Melissa has been publishing for more than a decade, and when not writing, surrounds herself with authors, books, and character art, cheerfully tearing through her TBR and taking apart stories to see how they run in the Book Murder Club. Reach out to enquire about the blurb assistance process or browse testimonials below.

Query Feedback $150

  • feedback on your query package (cover letter/synopsis/sample pages)

"Melissa knows tropes and audience expectations in and out. She finds the heart of the story and matches it to the right reader effortlessly." -- USA Today Bestselling Author

Sarah K.L. Wilson

You've done the hard part. The book is finished. Given the right tools and insight, your blurb can be too. With a custom tool kit and personalized feedback to fit your project, you'll be able to perfect your pitch.

You've spent months crafting tens of thousands of words into the perfect story, jam-packed with characters and worldbuilding and the tiny little details you've grown to love. And now, somehow, you're meant to condense it into a few short paragraphs that set the tone, tease the plot, and entice the reader to flip the page. The skills required for pitching a story are not the same as those used to craft a book.

“Melissa sees to the very heart of a story. She takes the chaos of my story brain and spins it into marketing magic!” --

USA Today Bestselling Author Alisha Klapheke

"There's not a blurb, pitch, or business letter I write that I don't run by Melissa first. I would trust no one else to get it just right." -- USA Today Bestselling Author Sarah K.L. Wilson

Writing is HArd. A blurb doesn't have to be.

Blurb feedback: a fast pass over your pitch or blurb

Blurb assistance: detailed feedback and revisions on your pitch or blurb

Query feedback: feedback on query package (cover letter/synopsis/sample pages)

This is not a blurb writing service. No one knows your story better than you. The feedback and resources provided will be tailored to your project needs to help make your pitch right for your project.


Young adult and fantasy author

Click the Buy Now button to book.

You will be contacted within 24-48 hours after purchase.

Blurb Feedback $50

  • ​a quick pass over your pitch or blurb

“Melissa has a fantastic knack for identifying what a blurb lacks and jazzing it up. Her feedback has helped me create a strong, marketable blurb that hooks readers!” --Bestselling Author Angela J. Ford 

The Perfect Pitch

The blurb, or jacket copy, is the description on your retail page (or back of the book) that can make or break your sale. Once your cover has caught a reader's eye, you have one chance to set the hook and reel them in.

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What is a blurb and why does it make me want to cry?


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Questions? Contact Melissa Here


Blurb Assistance $100

  • detailed feedback and revision on your pitch or blurb