
The Series:

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Rise of the Seven
Shadow and Stone

What People are Saying ...
"I would recommend this to any fans of elves and fantasy; the world this author has whipped up is pretty darn cool." -- Nightly Reading
"...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I read this in two days because it was so hard to put down..." -- Known to Read
"Creative and action-packed ... the author has taken a mundane theory and turned it upside down." -- The Page Turner

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Venom and Steel

Available at most audiobook retailers including Apple Books, AudibleGoogle Play, Kobo, and Nook.

Nothing is as it seems.

Frey's life is a lie. She doesn't remember being bound from magic. She didn't intend to discover this dangerous secret, to get entangled in Council business. But she did.

And now she's on the run.

With the aid of a stranger, she discovers a world beyond the elves who bound her. But it's a world of shadows and dark magic, a world she's been warned not to trust. The farther she strays, the more she finds a forgotten past. As she fights to reclaim her true identity, Council trackers hunt her down.

If they find her, she will burn.

The stranger offers her a way out, but it's a path of no return. How do you know who to believe when you don't even know who you are?

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Young adult and fantasy author

Pieces of Eight
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Feather and Bone